WT’s version of ‘Into the Woods’ thrills

WTs version of Into the Woods thrills

Imagine a swirl of childrens’ stories, Rapunzel, Cinderella, Jack and the Beanstalk, Red Riding Hood, etc, being mashed together into one play. This is what “Into the Woods” is based on. It’s a story of fulfilling dreams and working for what you wish. Cinderella wants to go to the ball, Jack wants to keep his cow Milky White and have more money, and the Baker wants a child. This concept of wishing for something is what sends them into the woods in the first place. The baker finds out that his house is cursed and that is why he is unable to have a child with his wife. The witch that hexed them promises to reverse the curse if they get her a set of items. It is in their trek to retrieve their list that the other characters come into play. The first act is a story of princes, princesses, wolves, a giant slaying and a finally a happy ending. But the story doesn’t end there. Act two opens with a whole new set of problems. The Baker has his baby, Jack has his gold and cow and Cinderella has her prince, but it all comes to tragedy again as the Giantess from the beanstalk comes down to find the boy who killed her husband, and so the gang is sent into the woods one last time. The final installment of the show enacts many deaths and the true sadness of losing people as the group from Act one prepares to take on the giantess to protect Jack. WT’s “Into the Woods” is a reviving enactment of courage, honor, and heartbreak from infidelity, death and loss. It is an adult show and was shown the last Nov. 15-17 and 22-24.