How not to act in the theater

The lights in the theater dim, and phone screens light up, candy wrappers are crumpled and muffled voices are heard.

When at the theater, cell phones should be turned off, or on silent. If you receive a text or phone call during the show, wait until intermission or the show is over to reply. It’s distracting to other audience members and the performers.

Do not talk during the show. No conversation is so important that it can not wait until later. What is happening on stage should be the main focus. The performers worked hard to put on a good show, and do not want it ruined by unnecessary talking.

It’s also rude to arrive late, or get up in the middle of the show. People do not want to be walked in front of during a performance. They paid to see a show and don’t want someone to block their view.

It is proper theater etiquette to be quiet, respectful, and be in a seat at the proper times.