Amarillo plunges back into the dust bowl

Amarillo plunges back into the dust bowl

Everybody’s talking about it. It fills their lungs. It gets in their teeth. They feel it in their sinuses. They feel it hit their face. They hate Amarillo. They want to move. Nothing good is said about the dust. It’s getting tiring for Amarillo citizens.

Yesterday the National Weather Service issued a dust storm warning around the time 3rd period began. It was in effect until 10 last night. Students complained all day about walking outside during passing periods, and for good reason.

The weather patterns are beginning to look suspiciously like they did in the “Dust Bowl Days.” Historians and grandparents said the sky used to look black, and you couldn’t see your hand in front of your face. Yesterday the sky had a distinct brown tint to it. However, if the dust continues to blow up from the fields as it has, it won’t be long until visibility is reduced to zero.

Everybody hates the dirt, but some have more legitimate reasoning. People with athsma or other breathing problems are in agony. Not to mention the people with pneumonia because of the dust.

If the weather continues as it has people will put in action their promises to move away. This is getting ridiculous.