The Audition

I am not an outgoing person at all, however I am in theatre. A lot of people think because I am shy I shouldn’t be involved in such a social activity. I’ve been acting for six years, and have had many auditions.

I recently had an audition for Productions. We are starting a play called The Lost Boy. Everyone in the class was assigned a partner and we had to perform a scene from the show. Auditions always make me nervous, but because I am starting over in a new class with new people I was especially terrified. Most of these people have never seen me act or really never even heard me talk. When my partner and I began our scene it started out well. We remembered our lines, talked loud enough for everyone to hear, and we used characterization. Halfway through the audition my partner paused. He had forgotten his line. When someone forgets a line, the actors are supposed to continue anyway and make something up. We both stood there for several seconds in silence. Luckily, he remembered the line and we continued our audition.

As soon as we finished, I sat down and said nothing for the rest of the class period. I would think that after being in theatre for so long, I would’ve come out of my shell by now, but that has just not happened yet. I am going to set a goal to become more social by the end of this school year.