“Fangirl” is amazing
“Fangirl” by Rainbow Rowell is an impressive coming-of-age novel. Main character Cath finds herself in between a rock and a hard place when she goes off to college and realizes her best friend and twin sister, Wren, is ready to start a separate, new life without her. Cath has never felt so alone before. Even when her mother left she had Wren and Simon Snow. Simon Snow is the equivalent of Harry Potter in our world. Everyone has read the books and watched the movies, and everyone thinks they know Simon Snow. But Cathy really knows Simon Snow because she spends hours of her time writing fan fiction about him. She has immersed herself in his brain and his world, and as Wren steps away from her, Cath clings onto Simon. College life is tough for Cath because she has never fit in and is a big nerd. She is constantly worrying about Wren and her new party life, her dad who has never really been alone and her fiction writing professor who wants her to step away from Simon and write something of her own. Cath’s world is further turned upside down by the arrival of Levi, Cath’s surly roommate’s ex-boyfriend. His attention leads Cath down paths she never knew existed and as they start a romance, her world turns further upside down and all the way around. The good and the bad, the pretty and the ugly, “Fangirl” has it all with a dash of sarcasm and witty words.