Elvis Movie- The Best Biopic?
“Elvis,” the movie released in 2022, was a massive hit with the critics. The movie was awesome, with the exception that it was three hours long making it a bit lengthy.
It starts when Elvis is a child and goes all the way until he dies enabling the viewer to really see all the generations of Elvis. Austin Butler, who is amazing, plays the character of Elvis in this movie. He has been in other movies like “Once Upon A Time In Hollywood,” but really hasn’t had big roles until now. Tom Hanks plays the part of Tom Parker, Elvis’s manager, and does a good job making you not like Tom Parker. I loved the relationship between Elvis and Priscilla, and thought it was executed greatly.
The director, Baz Luhrmann, knew what he was doing in showing a side of Elvis that no one has really seen before now. He captures highs and lows of Elvis’ career and the relationships he shared with Tom Parker, Priscilla and his mother. He takes you inside the internal emotions of Elvis, while also showing how those closest to Elvis viewed him- a victim of Tom Parker, and a absent husband and father. The movie is what you want it to be, and I love that. It’s a different approach that captures a very realistic and accurate story of the very real Elvis.
I also love the way the movie is shot. The scenes will keep your eyes glued to the the screen at all times, and the editing is amazing as well.
After spending time in theaters, “Elvis” went to HBO Max on Sept. 2 or it can be bought or rented on Prime Video.
Overall, Elvis is a good movie that is worth the cost. I’d give it a 7/10 with deductions mainly because it is lengthy.

RJ Brummett is a junior, this is his third year in journalism. Brummett enjoys podcasting and making films.
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