‘Bojack Horseman’ Is Worth The Watch

“Bojack Horseman” is an American adult animated television series created by Raphael Bob-Weisberg. The show premiered on Netflix in 2014 and ran for six seasons, concluding in 2020. “Bojack Horseman” follows the life of a washed- up, former sitcom star who happens to be a humanoid horse. The show uses its anthropomorphic animal characters to explore complex themes such as addiction, depression, trauma and the human condition. “Bojack Horseman” is known for its unique blend of humor and drama, often tackling difficult subject matter with sensitivity and nuance. The show’s characters are complex and multidimensional, with each of them facing their own struggles and challenges.  Bojack himself is a deeply flawed character, struggling with addiction and a history of abusive behavior towards those around him. The show does not shy away from portraying the consequences of his actions, exploring the impact they have on those closest to him. Despite its animated format, “Bojack Horseman” is a deeply emotional and thought-provoking show. Its exploration of mental health and the complexities of human relationships has resonated with audiences around the world. The show has been praised for its writing, animation, and voice acting, with many critics and fans considering to be one of the greatest television series of all time. Bojack is a groundbreaking television series that defies expectational with its unique blend of humor and drama. Its exploration of complex themes and multidimensional characters has resonated with the audiences around the world, making it a cultural; touchstone for a generation. Its a great show that will change the way you look at the world.