‘Hush,’ a Silentlogical Thriller
The movie “Hush” is a horror-thriller film that follows a deaf woman, Maddie, who lives alone in a secluded cabin in the woods. While working on her new book, Maddie is terrorized by a masked stranger who begins stalking her. The attacker seems to be enjoying the idea of hunting someone who cannot hear, as Maddie is unable to hear his movements or any outside sounds.
Throughout the film, Maddie must find a way to outsmart the intruder and make it out alive. She tries multiple tactics such as hiding, lighting fireworks to attract attention, and attempts to reach her phone to call for help. The attacker even disables the electricity and internet connection to make her more vulnerable.
The film was directed by Mike Flanagan and was released in 2016. The main character, Maddie, is played by actress Kate Siegel who also co-wrote the screenplay of the movie with Flanagan. The killer, known only as “The Man,” is portrayed by actor John Gallagher Jr.
One of the unique aspects of Hush is that the main character is deaf, and the majority of the film is without sound. This adds an additional level of suspense, as the audience is unable to hear what Maddie hears. The visual storytelling is effective, and the film relies heavily on cinematography and camera work to create a tense atmosphere.
Despite all these struggles, Maddie fights back with courage and resilience, ultimately turning the tables on the masked killer in a thrilling final confrontation. “Hush” is a suspenseful and terrifying movie that keeps the audience on edge throughout the entirety of the film.
Overall, “Hush” is a gripping horror-thriller that presents an interesting twist on the home invasion genre. With strong performances and a clever concept, it is a satisfyingly horrifying film that delivers on the scares.