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The student newspaper of Randall High School

Silver Streak

The student newspaper of Randall High School

Silver Streak

The student newspaper of Randall High School

Silver Streak

Madisyn Myles

Madisyn Myles, Senior Staff Writer

Madisyn Myles is a junior and this is her second year on Silver Streak staff. She enjoys making the school a more fun environment by making videos, writing stories and helping with podcasts.

Other Interests: Theater, ASL Honors Society

Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: Mint chocolate chip

Favorite Colors: Yellow and pink

Favorite Animals: Frogs and weiner dogs

Favorite TV Show: Criminal Minds

Favorite Quote: “Don’t let the ugliness in others kill the beauty in you.”
All content by Madisyn Myles
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The student newspaper of Randall High School
Madisyn Myles