‘Kiss it better’ and other medical phenomenon
The Placebo Effect is a medical phenomenon that revolves around the idea that if you believe something will help you, it will. A placebo, although commonly thought of as the sugar pill, it is a theory that states if given medical advice by someone, despite innacuracy, it will work because your mind believes it will help you. For example, young children believe that their mother can cure their discomforts by ‘kissing it better.’ Although this theory is innacurate, many children still believe that it works and tell others that they are no longer hurt even though the evidence of their detriments is still plain to see. The placebo effect is also found working in home acne treatments found online, although doctors say this theory is not true scientifically, it has been known to work in some cases, relieving both pain and even the physical evidence of acne. Phd. D. Wagner and a team of researchers have been studying the brain through the use of MRIs to further explain this effect on the human body.
“While the body still experiences the sense of pain, the brain proccesses it differently when relief is expected,” Wagner said.