Doctor in Training
Ever since the beginning of school, teachers have asked students what they wanna do in life. As the students grow up and enter high school they are expected to have a career set in their mind in order to start applying to college. With the PRO-program, students are given an internship that allows them to experience their career interest. Madee Lickey, a senior at Randall, is working an internship at the BSA hospital through the PRO-program.
“The PRO-program helps high school seniors figure out if the career they have picked is right for them,” Lickey said. “You experience the line of work you are interested in.”
In order to get accepted into the program, students must be interviewed and apply for internships regarding to their career choice. The program only accepts a few students.
“I heard about the program and thought it was interesting,” Lickey said. “I thought it would look good on a resume.”
Lickey plans on becoming a doctor later in life, and through her internship she has been able to experience what the medical field is truly like.
“I won’t spend thousands of dollars to get a degree for a job that I thought I would love but actually don’t,” Lickey said. “With this program, I will know for sure what I want to do in life, and be happy doing it.”
Through the program, Lickey has been able to determine she wants to help women and children specifically. She now has a clear plan set for her future in the medical field.
“I learned that there is more than meets the eye when it comes to different careers,” Lickey said. “You don’t realize everything a job has until you are there working it.”
Every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 1:30 P.M. to 4:00 P.M. Lickey meets patients, takes blood from patients and perform basic check-ups on them under the supervision of her mentor.
“The best part about the program is being able to be a part of it,” Lickey said. “You get to experience what happens on a daily basis instead of just watching it happen.”

I'm Natasa, and I am a senior at Randall. I was first introduced to Journalism freshman year, where I instantly fell in love with writing articles. This...