Students Look Forward to Holiday Break

Alannah Comerford

Students are preparing for their Christmas plans

Christmas is one of the most celebrated holidays in the U.S. It brings families together and creates an opportunity for giving gifts and appreciating what we have. And for a couple of weeks, it gives students a break from school. Everyone has something to look forward to over the break, and it makes the transition between semesters just a little bit easier.

“What I look forward to most over the break is sleeping,” freshman Cheslee Cook said. “It’s nice to catch up on sleep and relax. This Christmas, I am flying to Dallas to visit my mom. When I get there, I’m gonna sleep and delete all of my social media for the break. It will provide me with an opportunity to rest and spend uninterrupted time with my family without thinking about school. I appreciate the break.”

While taking a rest from class, the holiday break also makes traveling for Christmas easier. Freshman Cooper Embry is planning a vacation with his family.

“I am looking forward to my vacation in Houston,” Embry said. “I am going to visit my family. On Christmas Day, I wake up at about noon and eat a big lunch. I then wake my parents, and we open presents. My family goes to a restaurant, and we all spend time together. At the end of the day, we eat a nice turkey dinner and enjoy Christmas movies. This is my favorite time of the year, and the long break makes it even better.”

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Most students spend time with family, whether it be at their house or out of town. The holiday break makes that possible, allowing plenty of time for travel and enjoying the holidays with family and friends. Sophomore Ashlynn Scheetz said she enjoys games with her family over the break.

“My favorite part of the Christmas break is seeing my mom and family in Wichita Falls,” Scheetz said. “Last year, we went ice skating, and I am hoping that we do it again this year. I get to see my family from out of town, and they always bring us amazing presents. I love playing cards against humanity with my family, which gets extremely awkward. I look forward to it every year.”

Everybody has a Christmas routine. Something to do with family, something to look forward to. Every family is different, but in the end, it brings everybody closer.

“I am looking forward to spending Christmas Eve with my family,” freshman Aaryn Sanez said. “We first go to church, and then we drive around and look at Christmas lights. When we go home, we make hot cocoa and play games with everybody. After that, we open presents. It’s my favorite part of the holiday break.”