Austin Contreras, Junior
Junior Austin Contreras enjoys doing many things in life, but one of the important things he enjoys doing is leading. He helps lead others by being a member on the Randall band leadership team. He also participates in his church, where he leads a group of middle schoolers.
Not only is Contreras a leader, but he is also the goalkeeper for the varsity soccer team. “I love my position because I enjoy stealing the feeling of excitement from people when they think they’re about to score,” Contreras said. “My main goal that I have my eye on for next year is to recieve the distrcict goalkeeper of the year award.”
Other than soccer and being in the band, Contreras is also a member of the Key Club and the National Honor Society. In his down time, he enjoys watching any sport on TV, and listening to music. Contreras also enjoys playing his Playstation 4 if he has the time for it.
“My goal for the next couple of years is to figure out what college I’m going to and what I want to do,” Contreras said. “I hope that I just continue to be successful in life.”

Trenton George is a senior, and this is his second year on the newspaper staff. George joined because he thought it would be interesting to get involved...