The Blood Drive

On Feb 28, a blood drive will be taking place in the East Cafeteria. Students are welcomed to volunteer and donate their blood that day, as long as they meet the certain requirements. The student must be 17 years of age, or 16 with written parental consent, in order to donate blood. They also must have a photo ID, and weigh at least 125 pounds.

There are many benefits of donating blood. Donated blood can be used for people undergoing surgery or for traumas and accidents where people have lost a lot of blood. Also donated blood can help people with cancer or blood diseases, or any disease with no cure, blood transfusions can help their quality of life. In some cases, patients require blood transfusions in order to survive.

The process of donating is simple and occurs through four steps. First, you have to register with a staff member and go over eligibility and information about blood donation. Next, a mini-physical will be performed to check temperature, pulse, and blood pressure. Finally, a trained staff member will sterilize the area around your vein and the donation will begin. The actual process only takes about 8 to 10 minutes. Afterwards, donors are required to relax for about 10 to 15 minutes as they enjoy a snack and a drink. For safety precautions, be sure to stay hydrated and eat regularly the day of your donation. If you are taking any medications, or have a medical problem, be sure to bring information regarding those problems to your donation.

If students are interested in donating blood they can go to room 401 East and register. The blood drive will start at 8:30 a.m. and end at 3:30 p.m. on the designated day. The students will be rewarded a free Bahama Buck’s shaved ice, as well as a t-shirt.

Students are encouraged to volunteer not only to save lives, but also to help their school win the Kids Inc. Donor Days 2017 competition. After donating, the student can register their donation in honor of one area school. The winner of the large high school category will be rewarded $2000.

For more information regarding blood donation visit the Red Cross website. The website will be able to give information regarding all types of donations and what to expect when donating blood.