From Raider To Raider, The Inspiring Journey Of Randall’s 26th Hall of Fame Inductee
Thousands are watching as a Las Vegas Raider player is injured. One man leads a team to the player’s rescue. He quickly assesses the situation and directs his team as they help the player off the field and tend to his wounds. That one man lets the fans rest easy knowing that the player will recover and be treated.
This man is now the 26th Randall Raider Hall of Fame inductee. Every year a Raider that has carried on the Raider Spirit and gone above and beyond is chosen to be added to a select few alums who fit this description. This year, Doctor Chad Hanson joins this proud group of Hall of Famers.
“To even be considered for this is incredible and it truly makes me feel like I will always be a Raider,” Hanson said. “I am so thankful for the friendships I made and all the teachers that pushed me to excel. They truly set me up to be where I am today.”
After graduating as valedictorian of Randall in 1994, Hanson pursued orthopedics in college and his career. He is now an Orthopedic surgeon who now serves as the president of Desert Orthopaedic Center and has been president of the Nevada Orthopaedic Society. On top of that, he is the team doctor of NFL’s Las Vegas Raiders, NHL’s Golden Knights, the U.S. Olympic Ski Team and the University of Nevada Las Vegas.
“I was a junior in high school at a summer leadership camp based in medicine when I discovered a passion for sports-based orthopedics,” Hanson said. “I was given the opportunity to shadow a sports orthopedic surgeon. I found my dream job that combined my love of sports and medicine.”
Hanson wakes up every day with nothing but love for his career. He said he feels fortunate to have this opportunity and knows he wouldn’t have it without perseverance, the will to strive for greatness, and his involvement with Randall. This is his advice for all Randall students.
“Don’t take no for an answer,” Hanson said. “Persevere and choose to be great. Getting involved with the school and having the grit to push through challenges will help you succeed in ways you could have never imagined.”
The teachers and coaches Hanson had while at Randall made a profound impact on him and those around him.
“I loved the teachers,” Hanson said. “They were all amazing and pushed us, especially my coaches. They gave me the right building blocks for success.”
What has truly stuck with Hanson throughout his life were his experiences at Randall and his love for the school. His experience was so great because his fellow students built each other up to help each other succeed.
“I loved growing up with so many kids,” Hanson said. “We built a strong sense of comradery. You help each other learn and build each other up. It brings success and fulfillment. Positivity and building each other up is the fun way. Get involved, encourage each other, learn from your teachers and succeed beyond what you can imagine.”

RJ Brummett is a junior, this is his third year in journalism. Brummett enjoys podcasting and making films.
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