Dates and Drives

Couples should talk openly about who drives.
Getting places in high school can be a pain, especially as a couple. Deciding how to get there and who will drive, after going through thorough planning around busy schedules can be difficult, but it should not stop the individuals from communicating.
Depending on the couple, their privileges and preferences, and how they feel about traditions, depends on who is in charge of getting them places.
Personally, I think if the boy is capable, he should drive for dates and important events. It’s a nice gesture and it just looks better. Most boys want to be gentlemanly, and some may even be scared to ride with their girlfriends.
That does not and should not limit the boy to do all of the driving, because that is not fair to him. Because of the price of gas now, if she is legally and financially able; the girl should share some of the responsibility and take the wheel every once in a while.
Of course, if legality of a driver is an issue, whoever has a license should be the one driving.
Again, it depends on each person’s abilities and privileges, but who is in charge of getting them to and from public places should be a topic of discussion.