Keeping fit in college

We all look forward to it, our potential, our future. We all get the freedom we want in college. However, gaining you’re “freshman fifteen” really puts a damper on things.  Suddenly you look horrible and bloated in your swimwear and that super awesome member of the opposite sex isn’t interested anymore. There’s a few things you can do to prevent adding on the pounds.

Self-control is the first step. People that have zero self-control are the reason the term “freshman fifteen” even exists. They buy boxes of Little Debbie products without considering that they’ll have to eat them all (which won’t be a problem because their parents aren’t there to tell them not to). Don’t forget the endless amount of nearly-free Ramen. The solution is to be careful about what you buy, taking into consideration that 100% of what you buy will be 100% of what you eat.

Dining plans throw everything off. They force college students to predetermine how much food they’ll eat for a semester or a year. However, there is a way to use dining plans to your advantage. By choosing the cheapest dining plan, you’ll be more careful to eat moderately and save money at the same time. Buy more from the grocery store. Eat fruits and vegetables and a lot of protein to keep your brain working and your GPA up.

Always walk or bike to class. Many college students do this already, but make sure you’re not slacking. You won’t have to worry about parking and the extra exercise will keep you fit. It’s worth it, even if you have to wake up a little earlier to be on time. Above all, remember what you’re doing to your body during the fun college years!