Become a Spy: Code Breaker Game begins for a Second Year
The popular Code Breaker game that combined a scavenger hunt, an escape room feeling, and academic questions is returning this Monday with a twist. Randall students first competed in the Code Breaker Challenge last school year. With the game being a success, CISD Technology director Michael Keough said that this year the game will be different and more in depth.
With many facets to the game, students will have the choice to work as one person or a team. However, working in teams have more of a chance of winning. Students will earn points by solving various academic questions from subjects like Math, Science, History, Language Arts and Fine Arts. Teams and Students will answer questions and solve different code breaker challenges.
Over the coarse of the challenge, students will also receive missions with combined academic and code breaking questions. Teachers will also give out codes as well, codes from teachers will be given out randomly or put randomly throughout the school. In November, prizes will be awarded to the winning team or student, last year Jacob and Ryan Brue won a laptop.
The Code Breaker game is scheduled to start Oct. 1. Students who are interested in competing should keep an eye on their email for upcoming instructions from Keough.

Maci Weathers is a senior, and this is her third year on the newspaper staff. Weathers joined newspaper because she was interested in the idea of Journalism. ...