AP Students Receive Testing Dates
The time has come again, all AP students alike must start to sign up and receive dates for their AP testing. Testing will span from May 6- May 17, starting with U.S. Government and ending with Computer Science. Physics 2 and Computer Science are the only AP tests that will be in the afternoon. In order Spanish, English Literature, U.S. History, Chemistry and Physics 1 & 2 will all be on the same week of May 6-10. U.S. Government will be the first test that week. Biology, Calculus, English Language, Macroeconomics and Computer Science will be on the following week of May 13-17.
Registration for the AP tests will take place from Feb. 4- March 8. Each test will cost students $50. The district is willing to pay for the rest of the cost. Students or parents can go to My Payments Plus on the district website to register and pay. If students or parents have any questions, they are to see Mrs. Ramsey in 802 East or email her at [email protected]

Maci Weathers is a senior, and this is her third year on the newspaper staff. Weathers joined newspaper because she was interested in the idea of Journalism. ...