Coconut oil becomes essential

There is a magical fruit from the tropics. Native islanders depend on it for a variety of purposes, and the rest of the world is starting to catch on. We eat it, we drink it, we put it in our medicine and we rub it on our bodies. The coconut’s worth goes way beyond its unique shape and material, now more than ever.

Countless internet bloggers have made lists, diagrams and graphic organizers to expound on just how fantastic coconut oil is. They claim prevents baldness. It’ll remove moles and stretch marks. It’ll stop bug bites from itching. It’s toothpaste. It’s sunscreen. It’s dandruff shampoo and lip balm. The point is…coconut oil is the most magical of all beauty products.

Many people think coconut is better to cook with simply because of its nutritional content. While they are right, cooking with coconut oil has many other benefits. It gives you more energy and prevents Alzheimer’s/dementia, kidney disease, and colon cancer.

Coconut oil is not only practical in health, but can be used in everyday life as well. You can use it to polish bronze and furniture. It removes gum from hair, and will season animal hide drums. Coconut oil is a necessity for every home, and, if used correctly, solves nearly every problem we face!