Directed by Nathan Greno and Byron Howard, Walt Disney’s Tangled is the best animated kid-friendly movie produced in the last 5 years. The movie is comedic, romantic and adventurous keeping the viewer on their toes the entire hour and 40 minutes. When the wanted Flynn Rider hides out in a tower, he is surprised to be greeted by Rapunzel. Rapunzel is a beautiful teen with magical, long blonde hair, who dreams of leaving the tower she has been locked away in her entire life. Flynn agrees to help Rapunzel in her plan to escape the tower and get away from her controlling mother. Flynn and Rapunzel’s action-packed adventure gets more and more exciting as they are forced to run away and escape Rapunzel’s mother. The constant suspense can keep people of all ages interested. All in all, Tangled creates a sense of romanticism, cheerfulness and satisfaction and deserves two thumbs up.
Tangled hits theaters
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