The teen sci-fi/ dark comedy/ drama Misfits has been a mega-hit series in the U.K. since its pilot aired in 2009. The show follows the story of five young offenders who gain supernatural powers during the first week of their community service. Recently buzzing around the web has been talk of how Gossip Girl writer and producer, Josh Shwartz’s, plans to introduce the series to American television are now in full swing. Sharp witted and packed with racy content, Misfits is a U.K. best fit for teens. However, the standards for what’s T.V. appropriate are slightly different here in the U.S., but because the series has already proven pretty popular with American viewers from the massive amount of ratings it receives on Hulu, the chances of the remake being successful are seemingly high. It was actually recorded as the website’s number one most streamed show at one point. Even though no network has been attached to the series yet, Shwartz has already teamed up with the original show’s creator, Howard Overman, to create an American translation. The pilot of the recreation, currently in writing process, is expected to reach network offices early 2012.
U.K. hit makes American debut
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