Directed by Stephen Daldry, Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close tells the story of Oskar (Thomas Horn), a young boy whose father (Tom Hanks) died in World Trade center during the terrorist attacks on September 11th. Feeling disconnected from his grieving mother (Sandra Bullock) and driven by his uncontrollably active mind that insists on explanations for everything, Oskar sets out on an incredible adventure, determined to find a concluding message he believes his father left for him. Place by place, the boy begins to search New York City for the lock that fits the mysterious key found hidden in his father’s closet. Through this adventure, Oskar learns the importance of letting go and facing his biggest fears. Audiences have high hopes for this motion picture after reading the novel by Jonathan Safran Foer, and it will not disappoint. Viewers will laugh, cry, and be enthralled the whole way through.
I give this movie a rating 4.5 out of 5 stars.