It’s official, Warner Brothers Studio has confirmed the making of a Batman/Superman movie as the sequel to Man of Steel, set to premiere July 17, 2015. However, their choice for the new caped crusader, Ben Affleck, has many followers in an uneasy state causing them to doubt the quality of the film.
“I like Affleck, but I think he should’ve stuck to being Daredevil,” sophomore Abby Morris said. “He doesn’t seem mysterious enough to successfully play Batman.”
Petitions have flooded the internet in hopes that producers will take Affleck off the role. Petitioners claim Affleck’s acting skills won’t do the role justice and that he is not intimidating enough for the character. Comic and movie lovers have also deemed Affleck as ‘Batfleck’ and have created mocking images of the actor. However, some are coming to Affleck’s defense arguing the public should give him a chance.
“I think a new perspective on Batman might be a good thing,” sophomore Jesseca Land said. “Who knows, Affleck could show us a side of the character no one’s seen or understood before.”
Most of the previous Batmen have continued to support Affleck in his new role. Giving him advice ranging from, bring deodorant to ignore all the negativity. Film director Zack Snyder said Affleck will provide an “interesting counter-balance” to the Superman of the movie, Henry Cavill. Some students said it doesn’t matter who producers cast in the role, no one could possibly replace the original.
“Christian Bale will always be Batman to me,” sophomore Elliott McPherson said. “Just like Toby McGuire will always be Spider-man and Robert Downey Jr. will always be Iron Man.”
Although many fans are determined that Affleck will not make a good Batman, they have been wrong before. When the cast of the second movie in the Dark Knight Trilogy was announced, critics pre-judged the film’s Joker, Heath Ledger. They claimed he would be incapable of portraying the villain’s twisted sense of humor and unable to show the Joker’s full insanity. However, the actor later won an Oscar for Best Supporting Role.
“I’d rather (they cast) Christian Bale (as Batman), but I’m all for Affleck as long as he knows no one will ever replace the Batman of our generation,” sophomore Nikki Hager said.