Principal Nominated for Sterling Shining Star Award

Alyssa Miera

Randall High School Principal, Steven Singleton

Principal Steven Singleton has been nominated for the Sterling Shining Star of the Year Award. The Sterling Shining Star is a honor program that recognizes 10 school district employees per year. Of the 10, one is chosen for a $10,000 award which is split equally between the shining star and his or her school.

To be considered for the Sterling Shining Star of the Year Award, the school employee must have made a significant difference in the life of a student(s) and must be nominated by someone over the age of 18.

The person who nominated Singleton said, “(He is) one of the greatest administrators I’ve had the privilege of working with. (He) has a heart for his students, and staff and has been especially supportive of our Special Education programs and helping us start Special Olympics on our campus. Just an amazing leader.”

Singleton will find out if he wins the Shining Star of the Year Award in late April or May.