Disney+: New Streaming Subscription Isn’t for All

Everybody is talking about the new Disney+. 

Disney+ is the new streaming “alliance” between Disney, National Gepgraphic, Marvel, Pixar, Star Wars and ESPN+. Those who subscribe, get all of this for $12.99 per month.

Great. Now everybody, literally everybody, can watch all they want. This is such an evolutionary platform, and I’m probably one of the few who don’t have an account for Disney+, not because I’m not trendy, but because it would be a waste of time and money.


“PLUS,” I did not grow up being the Disney enthusiast that some of my classmates are. Apparently, it was such a big deal to one of my friends that she was on hold with Disney for one hour just to double-check that her account was activated. Seriously? I agree, it’s great that all of the children’s shows and memories are at the touch of our finger-tips, but, let me just remind you, we’re a bunch of 16 and 17-year-olds who have one foot in the adult world. Yes, that foot may be wearing a strong shoe or maybe a cleat on it, but the other shoe is clearly the light up sketchers- you know the fun ones we can’t let go of and won’t take off until they stop glowing or fitting or whatever.

The point is, we don’t want to let go, but we need to. Our AP prep books, sophisticated notes and due dates are waiting. It’s time to carry procrastination, our free card, and use it very carefully.