Randall High School provides recycling bins near the 400 hall that are overlooked most of the time. Randal students can contribute and change that by acknowledging and using them for their intended purpose. Instead of throwing your paper away, put it in the recycling bins to be repurposed by the KB recycling center.
About the KB recycling center
Every Monday, since the recycling bins have been put in the school, KB Recycling has been picking them up. The company picks up trash for recycling from multiple companies and organizations in the panhandle area. This center has recycled 2,625,369 pounds of recyclable waste. You can learn more about this organization at kbrecyclingamarillo.com.
Why recycling is important
You should recycle for many reasons, but some are more important than others. According to the Friends of the Earth website, recycling can help to cut carbon emissions and climate change. Climate change has been a serious growing problem throughout the years and recycling is just one small step you can take to help that. Another major reason is that recycling can conserve the natural resources people use in their everyday lives.
What your trash can be used for
People don’t realize the many opportunities that can be made from recycled waste. Principal Singleton told us that paper only should be put in our recycling bins. Your thrown-away assignments can be turned into new office paper, cardboard boxes or reading magazines.
How it all started
Randall High School has been providing recycling bins to students longer than Mr. Singleton has been principal, so we don’t know the specific date they were brought in. They were brought in to help with the amount of paper used by schools which is approximately 2,000 sheets in an average school day. The person who got this all started and wanted to make a change was former librarian Joe Sullivan.
Taking that one extra step of putting your paper in the bins can really go a long way. As Randall students, we take on many responsibilities every day why not add one more for a great cause? As we get older we should realize the growing problems of our world and contribute to the organizations who are taking action.