Even though the COVID-19 pandemic is over, Randall High School and Canyon ISD should still offer a virtual school option for high school students.
There can still be many valid benefits to virtual schooling, for instance, it is less expensive rather than paying for extra items or required things such as an I.D. or a Chromebook, school supplies, lunch, or class fees if you’re enrolling in a public school. It can be complicated for others to get the provided items, while online school is free, causing less stress and worry for the student, parent, or guardians about purchasing these items.
Individuals may have personal matters, anxiety, or even antisocial problems. It is calming for people who are antisocial or introverts not to feel pressure about getting called on and speaking out loud to the class, getting anxious about having to ask for help, doing group projects, or being alone. These situations can lead to anxiety and distress because they may feel that they’re not welcome in the environment they are in.
If Randall offered online courses, that would solve scheduling problems. Can you get all the courses you want and get the credits you need without being put into a random class you didn’t pick? Yes, you can! You do not have to rearrange your schedules and don’t have to worry about having to go to the counselor and still not being able to get into that class you have been wanting to apply to, or if it’s full already. Through online courses, students can get their electives and major classes they want or need to earn credits or make up for, to graduate and get their degrees in time.
With virtual school, there is less worry about homework or when an assignment is due at an inhumane time because you don’t have to attend a physical class at a certain time and location. This would also help students who work since most schools end the day around 4 p.m., and jobs can start at specific times. Students can be exhausted and only worry about grades and turning in paperwork without being able to do other activities. However, while doing class work online at your own time or pace, you’ll still be able to focus on personal lives and other hobbies.
Parents or guardians may worry that their child will stay isolated and not improve their social skills. However, online school gives opportunities for students to join clubs, in-person field trips, or live classes and be able to socialize with their peers online or outside of the world.
Virtual school would be different from homeschool because students would still be getting a great Canyon ISD education, only online. Students who struggle with the in-person school environment may thrive at home and be a better student.