Junior Finds Fulfillment in Softball and Love For Others
Junior Riley Mills sees what she wants and goes for it. One passion she has is softball. As a pitcher on the varsity softball team, Mills has accumulated 25 strikeouts and one homerun this season. Mills said she works hard at practice and tries to get better and better every day. “I work with my teammates and they are my family on the field,” Mills said. “I love seeing them succeed at every play.” Off the field, those who know Mills well might describe her as outgoing, helpful and someone who cares enough to make sure that everyone else is okay. Mills said her goal is to always strive to be good, give 100%, and live by this Bible verse, “All who exalt themselves will be humbled, and all who humble themselves will be exalted.”

This is freshman Lainey Tucker's first year in Journalism. Tucker joined because she likes capturing moments throughout the year.
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