Mark Gallegos, Freshman

Mark Gallegos is a member of the freshman football team at Randall High School. Gallegos started playing the sport almost six years ago when he realized how much he loved watching it with his dad.

“I started playing football because I would watch the NFL with my dad a lot, I tried it out and loved it,” Gallegos said. “Being a part of the freshman football team means getting to play with my teammates and helping each other get better. My team means a lot to me, they’re like my brothers.”

Unfortunately though, Gallegos recently injured his collarbone for the second time, meaning he hasn’t been able to play for most of the season.

“I was frustrated because it was the first game and I knew I wasn’t going to be playing for the rest of the season, which could affect the team,” Gallegos said. “And since I was out and not playing, it affected me a lot too because I wasn’t able to practice or do anything to stay in shape.”

Gallegos continues to have school spirit and goes to every game and practice to support his team. After he recovers from his injury, he hopes to continue playing football and other sports as well.