Basketball, soccer, wrestling begin seasons
The Raider boys basketball team has an overall season record of 11-8, and has recently celebrated a 20 point district victory over Hereford in an away game on January 3. The boys will be competing on Friday in a district game against Amarillo High at 7:30 p.m. in the Amarillo High gym.
The Lady Raider basketball team is also in the middle of their season, and will compete on Friday at 6:30 p.m. as they take on the Lady Sandies.
As the new semester takes off, so does the Lady Raider soccer team in their spring season. The soccer team, coached by Whitney McClain, has recently hosted an alumni game which past players got the chance to play against the current Lady Raider team. Randall won the alumni game 7-0, and has also traveled to play the Frenship Tigers, which the Lady Raiders lost to 5-0. The Lady Raiders will compete next on Friday in a tournament in Lubbock.
The Raider boys soccer team was also defeated in a game against Frenship losing 1-0, and both Randall teams will begin competing in their district season early next month.
Soccer is not the only Raider sport that’s started recently, the Raider wrestling team is also in the midst of their competition season, and both the girls and boys team will travel to Geary, Oklahoma this weekend to compete in a tournament.
Other sports starting up at Randall in the next few weeks are softball, baseball, track and tennis in their spring season.

My name is Alex, and this will be my senior year at Randall. I have attended Randall for the past 3 years, and have loved every bit of it! I have been...