A Girl and Her Cape: Everyday Hero Expresses Love for Her Job


Sponsoring special occasions and premieres to new movies, junior Erica Cote does it all at her job called Make It Special. At this job, Cote brings the requested and most favored characters to life.

Make it Special is a party entertainment business that specializes in themed events where the employees dress as superheroes and other characters. Cote’s favorite costumes to dress as are characters like Wonder Woman, Jessie from Toy Story, and Aurora from Sleeping Beauty although she prefers to dress as superheroes much more than anything else. Make it Special organizes different types of events for both adults and children and focuses on making others happy.

“I put on costumes as various characters for certain events and parties,” Cote said. “I take pictures and talk to people just to make the whole experience extra special.”

When Make it Special is hired for a party, employees make it their mission to embody the character they are assigned. Cote even does her makeup to look like the characters, and she also wears the appropriate outfit to really make it look believable and authentic.

“The look on kids’ faces is what makes my job truly special,” Cote said. “When they get to meet their favorite character, their faces just light up.”

Make It Special started in September 2014 and at the time they only offered one character, and now they have expanded to have more than 12 character options. Cote and other members of Make It Special are trained for every position in an effort to make every event feel real and magical.

“I’ve worked movie premieres like Maleficent 2, IT2, Toy Story 4, and Avengers Endgame,” Cote said. “Sometimes I can’t believe it’s my job because I love it so much.”