Senior Stays Positive, Despite Hard Times

Miya Harris, Senior

I am heartbroken to know that I and the rest of my class walked through those halls and sat in those uncomfortable desks for the very last time without knowing it. Ever since we were little we’ve looked forward to this year, the one where we finish it all up and move on to the greater things life has in store for us, we’ve worked so hard and have earned it. It hurts to know I’ll never get the rest of my high school experience because of Covid-19, but for the time we were in school I’ve got a lot of sweet memories with family and friends that I will never take for granted. I love every single one of the people in my life and that has made my year worth it. I’ll never forget the impact Randall High has made on my life. We all have a long journey ahead of us and I encourage every single one of my fellow seniors to continue to fight for your dreams. We have our whole life ahead us. Much love to all of you, stay strong no matter what. We will be okay even if we don’t think so!