Sophomore Helps With Political Campaign
Sophomore Adrian Avila stands with Congressional Candidate Ronny Jackson at Jackson’s campaign headquarters.

When Congressional Republican Candidate Ronny Jackson decided to run for the 13th district of Texas, sophomore Adrian Avila was eager to help with his campaign.
Avila said Jackson’s grassroots campaign involved door knocking, informing community members about the candidates, handing out flyers and standing on street corners holding up signs.
“While working with this campaign, I became a spokesperson and living testament to the promises Dr. Jackson promised this district,” Avila said. “To see the government institutions play out right in front of us, to have a front row seat to democracy is so special and something I believe most Americans take for granted.”
Avila listed Jackson’s credentials as reason for joining the Jackson campaign, but added that he also did it for the experience. The night Jackson won the primaries, Avila was at campaign headquarters.

“I remember the crowd of volunteers cheering,” Avila said. “We knew that we had something to do with the success. After the crowd settled down, Dr. Jackson’s phone started ringing with congratulations from other congressmen, representatives and soon President Donald J. Trump. It was a wonderful thing to watch, to know that you were a part of the side that had made history.”

Thinking back on the experience, Avila quoted Martin Luther King, Junior, “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moment of comfort and convenience, but where he stands in times of challenge and controversy.” Avila said in a time where the nation is so divided between left and right, it is important that teens get involved in politics.
“We cannot forget who we are fundamentally, American citizens,” Avila said. “We cannot downplay the seriousness of our role in this great American experiment nor can we take it for granted. When the spotlight turns on our generation, and our predecessors fade, it is up to us to keep the true fundamentals of a free society.”

This is Luis' second year on the staff and he specializes in mainly writing first and foremost. He's into many things multimedia so there's a lot of possibilities...