I’m a sophomore and this is my first year writing for the Silver Streak. I’m what I call a mix of it all. I like a little of everything with no favorite in anything. I enjoy reading a good book (whether it be historical, fiction, romance, or anything else), writing (poetry mainly, though sometimes a brilliant longer idea pops into my head), band (this is my fifth year playing trumpet), spending time with my massive family (6 brothers, 3 sisters, 3 nieces, 2 nephews, a sister in law, and 2 brothers in law; by the way, these are all fully related), eating ( anything and everything, but especially Mexican, Cheddars, and Chinese), learning random weird facts that no one else ever knows or wants to know, watching movies (any and all movies but The Notebook, UGH!!), listening to music every day all day ( I love, love, love music and I listen to all kinds but heavy metal and rap), singing just for fun, dancing in the rain (cliché but still a great activity), and being a biology nerd. After high school I plan on getting into A&M Corpus Christi and getting my pre-med there before transferring to Boston University of Medicine for the next 8 to 12 years to get my medical degree and a PhD in Oncology Research and Treatment. I want to get married at whatever time I feel I need to and stop working for awhile to raise five kids in Texas, Colorado, or a beach area (most likely Corpus). After my kids have moved out I want to go back to finding the cure for cancer and spend all the time I can with my husband traveling around the world and going on the huge European tour I’ve had planned since I was 12. I also want to spend some time with Doctors with No Borders to bring medical help and attention to those who are less fortunate than us. After I have lived my exciting, crazy life, I want to retire and live in a huge castle (complete with a moat, dungeons, and personal indoor Wal-Mart) alonside my amazing husband. The End.
Kelli Blashill, Staff Writer
October 3, 2011