Directed by filmmaker Cameron Crowe, family movie We Bought a Zoo premiered in theaters December 23, 2011 worldwide. The humorous film illustrates a true story about a single father who feels him and his family are in desperate need of a fresh start. He then proceeds to move his family to one of the most bizarre and unexpected places of all, a local zoo. From there the family works together to make the most of the zoo, and turn it in to the glorious exhibit it had been in the past. The mishaps and adventures along the way make the film an exciting and uplifting movie that can make people of all ages laugh and smile. The movie runs approximately two hours and four minutes, and is rated PG. The movie is a great family movie and appropriate for children of all ages. Although the movie is particularly directed and produced for children, it can keep people of all ages interested and entertained. This inspiring and exciting comedy should receive a rating of two thumbs up.
We Bought a Zoo an entertaining, exciting film