So this week’s step from shy to social wasn’t as successful as the last. I’ve decided it’s almost completely impossible to be a social, outgoing person and be happy at the same time. It seems to me that every time I branch out something or someone annoys me enough to make me crawl back into my hole of shyness. Earlier this week I made a trip to Walmart for a few groceries. (Yeah, I know. Who goes to Walmart expecting to leave in a good mood.) Anyways, minding my own business I made my way down the bread aisle just hoping to grab some whole wheat and get on with it. About five feet away was a homely, short woman in her pajamas. It was obvious she was reaching for corn tortillas that happened to be on the top shelf, but it was even more obvious she was about 2 feet too short and wouldn’t be getting those tortillas anytime soon. “This is my chance,” I thought. “I can get my challenge out of the way for the week!” I approached the woman cautiously. “Here I can get you those,” I said, and handed them to her. Expecting a “thank you” or something like that I looked at the woman. There I was, 10 feet away from my cart, approaching a woman who wasn’t tall enough to reach her own tortillas, and what did she do? She grabbed the tortillas out of my hand, didn’t even bother to make eye contact, tossed them in her basket and moved on. “Are you kidding me?” I thought as I felt the urge to go take the dang tortillas out of her basket and put them back on the highest shelf. I had stepped out of my own comfort zone to help her and she didn’t say a word! I’ll stop there, because I am already getting worked up again. But seriously, how dare her. This my friends, is why I prefer to stay in my own little world with my own little thoughts all day every day. And don’t think I will EVER get someone’s tortillas off the top shelf again.
Why I am not social