I’m finally catching my breath after a stressfully busy weekend. This Saturday I made a giant leap towards a social life. I attended the Winterfest Extravaganza Livestock Jackpot where I took my pig to show. First of all, let me explain the set up of a pig show. Exhibitors (me) walk their pig by directing it with a whip in front of a judge. When the judge decides, the exhibitor must pen his or her animal and wait for the judge to approach him or her with questions about their animal. It can be very stressful, as pigs aren’t the most willing or civilized animals. Parents, friends, coaches, and family gather in the bleachers surrounding the show ring to watch. I knew what I was getting into as i entered the competition, but little did I know how nerve-racking it would be. Shaking and heart racing I worked to direct the pig around the ring while trying not to pass out, throw up, or trip over my own feet. I showed against 5 year olds that have been showing pigs for years who didn’t have a bit of doubt in their mind, yet I continued to tremble. Finally, my class was judged and I left the arena with a 5th place pig. No matter what the judge said or my placing, I had never felt more accomplished for presenting myself in front of hundreds of people and not making a complete fool of myself.
Another step forward