Mirror, mirror

I realize this blog is for helpful beauty tips, but I am going to spin it around this time.

It is true; we are all obsessed with our appearance more than anyone would like to admit. When we look in the mirror, our minds automatically zone in on what we think is wrong. Often they are microscopic flaws we would never see if they were on someone else. We are so much more critical with ourselves than with others. Some people may know about a Dove commercial that came out a while back where a highly trained sketch artist drew women using their own descriptions and then again by someone else’s without ever seeing the women. The differences were drastic.

We are so constantly consumed with what we hate in the mirror, we have forgotten to notice the inner parts of us that shine through. The women in this Dove ad could tell if the other person was open or friendly or reserved just by looking at the features of their face.

The truth is; the clothes you wear and how you dress does not define you. Yes, unfortunately people still judge based on outer appearances because it is an unchangeable flaw in human nature. But you shouldn’t be dressing for them. Dress for you. Because at the end of the day, society will always be telling us how we should look, but you can’t let it affect the way you see yourself. Defy the stereotype of a perfect American teenager and let the inner most parts of you shine through. Now that’s natural beauty.