Valentine’s Day kisses and Birthday Wishes


Oh Valentine’s Day. The day dreaded, and at times hated by every American that is not “in love”, and also the day the people that are in fact “in love” or in relationships distinguish as the day half of their paycheck is spent on roses that will die in a week, chocolate that will be eaten, and overpriced cheaply made teddy bears.

Although Valentine’s Day has wrongfully earned this poor, and inadequate reputation it is much more than a day of love for me. It’s my birthday. No, my parents did not plan for me to be born on February 14th, and no just because I was born on a holiday that doesn’t mean I was born with superpowers. I will admit to being extremely, and unnecessarily spoiled on my birthday, and I do believe most of it is because it is also Valentine’s day. For as long as I can remember I’ve woken up to stuffed animals with cheesy sayings plastered across them, an abundance of store bought pastries, and a dozen roses. I’ve always been taken out to a casual Valentine’s Day dinner with my parents, and I’ve always received a few personalized birthday presents along with the Valentine’s Day ones. Although I’m not in elementary school anymore, Valentine’s Day is not only a special day at home I still include Valentine’s as one of my favorite days at school. While I miss the endless coloring pages, and the fact that EVERYONE was treated to gifts on that day, and traditions have drastically changed the atmosphere has remained the same.

I can only imagine how my future husband will feel about my Valentine’s Day/birthday spoiledness, but he will just have to deal with it like my parents have for the past 17 years. I hope your Valentine’s Day was filled with lots of love, and happiness whether you spent it with a loved one or by yourself.