Meet the Silver Streak Online Media Team

The Silver Streak Online Media team is Randall High School’s student newspaper, broadcast and podcast team. In the class, students work in two week rotations where they switch between the three mediums. In the newspaper rotation, students write content for the online newspaper. In the podcast rotation, students create and record an episode of “The Raider Take,” Randall’s student-ran podcast that started earlier this year. In the broadcast rotation, students are responsible for producing video content that cover everything from game highlights, to video stories, to Q&As. The students’ work appears on the Silver Streak Online, Scholastic Network, at Kimbrough Stadium, and is occasionally picked up by professional local news outlets. This advanced class is advised by Journalism teacher Amy Neese.

“The class is intended to give real-world field experience to students who have an interest in going into a media related career in the future,” Neese said. “The class is not ran like a traditional classroom; It is ran like a newsroom, where students have to find stories and learn to work in and adapt to a fast-paced, unpredictable media environment.”