Women Have It Tougher Than Men In Today’s Society


Alana Hogan

WebMD performed a study showing women have more anxiety and they are prone to have anxiety.

A 2017 study said that women have twice the amount of anxiety than men. Why? Because women have it tougher than men.

Let’s start with a few of the obvious struggles that only women face: pregnancy, childbirth, menstrual cycle. Yes, that’s right, I used the “m” word and a lot of males are cringing right now at the mere thought of it, much less having to endure it… Every. Single. Month.  Carrying a human for nine months is no easy task. I’ll spare the details of what a woman’s body goes through during childbirth, and the dreaded menstrual cycle always arrives with a sidekick of annoying cramps, mood swings and cravings.

In addition, in the day of PhotoShopped magazine covers and overly-filtered social media posts, women feel the pressure to be perfect: perfect skin, hourglass figure, ideal weight. Being perfect is how a lot of guys picture women, and it is hard knowing that men want us to look like Sommer Ray or Kim Kardashian. Women can’t be perfect and all women can’t control how we exactly look.

Women have never been equal to men. Even back in the older days, women didn’t have all the rights that they have now.

— Alana Hogan, freshman

When it comes to business, women are also often stereotyped and looked down upon because supposedly women aren’t strong enough or shouldn’t get the same equality. Women have never been equal to men. Even back in the older days, women didn’t have all the rights that they have now. Still, today, women have to fight extra hard for equality and to prove that they are as capable as men.

Some could argue that higher expectations are placed on men and that they are expected to be the providers and strong at all times. However, in today’s society, the majority of American households have a two person income, meaning that women are contributing equally when it comes to providing for their families. They same can go for women when it comes to “strength” as they are always there when things fall apart.