Congressional Nominee Inspires Graduating Class of Randall

On Feb. 13 Congressional Nominee, Ronny Jackson, came to the graduating students of Randall High to share his life story. His speech was not a planned route on his campaign tour, and was only requested by the administration through teacher Jan Weston, a fellow Texas A&M alumni, to come and inspire these students. Starting out with a mediocre, minimum-wage, job at the local grocery story, Jackson has made a name for himself in many areas of life. He has served in the United States Navy, pushed himself athletically, and was the White House physician for the previous three presidents: Bush, Obama, and Trump.

“It was apart of our dream big theme for this year,” teacher Jan Weston said. “You have a young man from Levelland, Tx who became a sea water demolition expert, dived with Navy Seals, ran a triage as a trauma surgeon specialist, embed within the marines at Fallujah, retired as a marine admiral after 24 active duty years. He really is driven by service, and would be an excellent representative from the 13th district of Texas. I think he well represents Panhandle values and he will tell you that hard work and determination will get you where you’re going in life, but you gotta work hard. I really appreciate his story: go out and get it and don’t wait for it to come to you.”