Kevin Powell, Junior

Kevin Powell, Junior

If junior Kevin Powell could change the world, what a peaceful place it would be.

These days, everyone seems to be at each other’s throats. Between cyberbullies, political attack dogs, personal agendas and fake news, the world is at war, and that is something Powell would like to see change.

“We can change the world in small ways,” Powell said. “But, one person alone cannot change the way the world works.”

With recent controversies such as the Trump election, alleged police brutality, and most recently Brett Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court confirmation, forming a united front to regroup seems like less and less of a possibility.

“(If I could change the world) I would get rid of inner conflict in our nation,” Powell said. “The problem with our nation is that we are always fighting ourselves. Since we are so divided, we have a disadvantage.”

Powell is the Vice President of the Card Game Club and is in AP English.