Senioritis: Fact or Fiction?

Senior year can be both an exciting and daunting time for students. While there are many things to look forward to during senior year such as senior events, prom, and graduation, there are also many stress-inducing events such as difficult classwork, college entrance exams, and college applications.

While some students have the luxury of a lighter course load and more freedom, other students juggle AP classes, extracurricular activities, jobs, socializing, and college preparation. Managing such a hectic schedule can cause students extreme anxiety or lack of motivation, also known as “senioritis.” While some teachers dispute the validity of senioritis, attributing it to pure laziness, many students are truly exhausted after 12 years of being in school.

Senior year is a confusing time because students are still in high school, but are expected to take on the responsibilities of adulthood. These responsibilities include taking part-time jobs, looking out for themselves, and making decisions about their future. Between working, school, homework, extracurricular activities, and college and scholarship applications, there is no time leftover for enjoyment and relaxation. Some students are having to go to bed well past 11pm just so they can fit in everything they need to get done for the day.

Taking an hour or so a day to unwind would significantly reduce the stress associated with senior year. It is only natural for a person to burn out after hours on end of constantly doing without pausing for even a few minutes to take a break. I have found that I am far more efficient if I stop every once in awhile to take time for myself rather than functioning at minimum efficiency for a long stretch of time.

Students should do their best to do well in school and reach their goals, but at the same time, they should appreciate senior year and take every opportunity to enjoy being young while they still can.