How Important is it to Be Attractive in Our Society

In today’s society, a lot of people feel like they have to put on a fake face in order to fit in. Teens and even adults think it’s important to be attractive in order to be accepted in all areas of life.

Teens and adults should realize that being themselves is the most attractive and beautiful way to live. 

Some people are short or tall, stocky or lanky, have bushy eyebrows, a long nose, crooked teeth. Not everyone’s the same for a reason. If people were all the same then life would be boring and there would be no originality.

Teens and adults should realize that being themselves is the most attractive and beautiful way to live.

— Mikayla Rodriguez, Junior

Social media is one thing that has made people believe they are not attractive or good enough, especially when compared to the perfectly edited photos that don’t show the truth at all. Comparison has really ruined the lives of so many people.

When people scroll through social media or watch reality television most of the participants or celebrities are not telling the truth about who they are. Let’s use the Kardashians as an example; they have had work done to themselves and have personal assistants that help them everyday look their best.

Being attractive in today’s society should not be to simply compare yourself to other people you think are perfect. People should realize the harm in this and change how we see ourselves. Let’s try to see ourselves through God’s eyes instead.