Strung out about interviewing an administrator

Recently I was assigned a story that required me to interview an administrator. Immediately, I felt out of my comfort zone and quite nervous. Despite that, I emailed Allen Cox on a Monday and on Thursday during Algebra, I was called into his office. I did have a few questions in mind, but other than that I was very unprepared. As I hesitantly walked down the halls and towards his office, I thought of more questions to ask. By the time I got there, I was quite proud of the five I had came up. Then, I stepped through the door and went completely blank. I remember thinking this is going to make me look like an irresponsible journalist. I’m going to get kicked out of newpaper. I pulled out my phone and began to record our conversation and slowly the questions began to return to me. I kept our conversation going with small talk and when I did remmember the question, I would ask.

I always thought the first time I’d  enter an assistant principal’s office would because I’d somehow gotten in trouble. However, my theory was proven wrong that day. Mr. Cox was really friendly and cooperative. The quotes he gave me were long and informing. I was nervous for no reason. I learned a valuable lesson about journalism that day; not everyone wants to answer your questions as quickly as possible and then throw you out.